Engage in the First 5 minutes and Increase Conversions by 400%.

The key to setting up profitable and predictable ads that generate SALEs (not just leads) is fairly simple for ANY …

The key to setting up profitable and predictable ads that generate SALEs (not just leads) is fairly simple for ANY business IF they know the secret (below).

Setting Up ad on Facebook and generating leads is easy.

Turning those leads to sales is hard.

That’s why every millennial in America takes a course and becomes a Facebook “expert” overnight.  

Then they go and charge business owners $2,500 to $5,000 a month.

Most business owners will pay this because they simply don’t know how easy it is.

The hard part is generating GOOD leads and converting them to sales predictably.

Most small, mid-size and even global companies have a bad follow up process.

They waste billions…Yes, Billions paying for marketing that send leads to a broken follow-up system that is slow and dated.

My team has personally tested over 500+ companies both locally and globally.  

This is what we found:

❌ 72% of online leads are never even called.

❌ 42 Hours is the average response time to inbound inquiries.

We live in an on-demand economy.  Your next best customers want the information they need to make a buying decision NOW.  

❌ 400% is the drop off in conversions if you do not engage that prospect within 5 minutes.

Most people are lazy.  They want immediate gratification.

✅ 78% of consumers will work with the first person who reaches out to them.

So in order for you to turn more leads online into sales, you really have to do only 2 things well.

  1. Engage in 5 minutes.
  2. Reach them first.

If you engage them in 5 minutes you will convert 400% more (video below shows how).

If you reach them first you have a 78% chance they will buy your product or service.

You are probably saying to yourself…

”No 💩 Ray…I already do that…I send follow-up email autoresponders.”

This does not work anymore.  The methods of customer acquisition have changed.

With teo you can:

  • Credit Qualify each lead instantly.
  • Automate outreach across the top mobile channels – FB Messenger, Text (Audio & SMS), and Ringless VM.
  • Use our Speed2Lead dialing system to connect to leads within 5 minutes.
  • Upgrade and use our concierge service to have leads called by our team on inside salespeople.

We have seen an 8-10X increase in conversions by adding in on-demand credit qualification + omnichannel outreach while saving our customers 2-3 hours a day from dialing bad leads who will never turn into loans.



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